i'm 24 now.
flashback - 23 ;)
+ pre-b-day getaway: vegas. um. i'd rather not post pictures from this trip lol. good times though =)
+ on my actual birthday i was miserable on this restatement client in el segundo. i realize that my birthday isn't special enough to take a day off and so i worked. 11 hours. i think i cried about this when i was drunk.
+ may 7, 2008. i invited some people to a nearby tiki bar...i didn't expect many to show up but it definitely made my day that people made it up...and i'm sorry to say that after a dozen+ drinks i stopped remembering the late stragglers who arrived past 11pm
+ i got progressively drunk, i'll spare the aftermath except for that i ended up safe in my hotel with doggy:
+ the next morning i woke up with a room full of people, still slightly inebriated. i thought 'screw work' and we went to mcdonalds. except i wanted something soupy...and i happened to have cup of noodles in my car. so i came in ghettostyle and got some hot water from micky and enjoyed my noodles while others scarfed down their egg mcmuffins. i came into work around 11.
turning 24
+ i was slightly dreading my 24th bday...and being in the midst of busy season i didn't really want to plan anything. everything was sorta last minute so i just threw some ideas together
+ may 7, 2009. i woke up, about to go to the gym...and my mom and brother bombarded me with cupcakes =) and yes, i'm all gross in the morning.
+ very typical of my mom to get me workout clothes for my birthday haha
+ thank goodness i was in my robe when they came in my room =X
+ so, being the grown up that i am, i went to work on my birthday. this year was much better--8 hr day and we went out for lunch. the receptionist even gave me a gift =)
+ at home i got to celebrate with my dad & bro. we went out for chinese because i wanted crab. but they had no crab. so we 'settled' for lobster.
+ leon picked out the celtics colored cake (mint chip & white cake) ♥
+ then there was mosun...not many pictures here, i drank a bit much, dropped my phone and lost the backing. bad habbit =(
+ and then my favorite----a mixed group at tokyo delves!! a must go for everyone.
+ last year's theme: xoxo, gossip girl
+ this year's theme: jpop! (and then i included rockstas & rappers for niki & herbie)
because i hear the sushi is no bueno
my extensions...LOL allen's expression
+ and now...some videos!!
when i say sake, you say bomb! omg so fun =)
ummm..chicken dance...dirty version?? eww >_<
it's my birthday, and i can drink if i want to? ;p
+ and then we all did drunken karaoke afterwards =)
i hello kitty stamped everyone
that was a lot of pictures. whatever somewhat insightful reflections i had to share have now escaped my brain. i think i decided that this will be a good year, and i'll leave it at that.
+ go to tokyo delves
+ ♥ thank you to everyone who continually make me feel special on my birthdays
+ and thanks for just showing up actually =)
+ please dont stop the music ;p